Saturday, March 15, 2008

Another night...

Peaple need sleep, right? But how good is sleep when it is fitful, resetless, and aggravating? All week I have been sleeping poorly. I wake up many times in the night, feeling aggravated and incredibly confused. Dreams consist mainly of working, so, not very fun or restful. This morning, my first chance to sleep in, I woke up at 8am, which is normal. What was abnormal about the morning, however, was that I could not get back to sleep. That's not entirely true, I did fall asleep, but then I would wake again within 7-10 minutes, after having more fitful dreams. So I got up at ten, read some webcomics, and then cleaned the office.
I'm grumpy because I can't sleep, and I'm dissatisfied with myself. I don't get this sleep thing, I'm eating 100% better, and I'm excercising fairly regularily. I slept better when I was lethargic and had potato chips for breakfast. That's a big double-you tee eff, if you ask me.

Dan = Out

Nobody Sings Anymore - The procession


Coach Keese said...

Have you changed your sleeping patterns since you started to eat well and exercise or do yo still go to sleep at same time and wake up at same time?

Being more healthy, you actually need less sleep but still should get about 8hrs. How much are you trying to get? Are you going to bed at same time? Are you eating before bed? You'll have to document things you do and draw your own conclusions from patterns you see. Fun times!

photoholly said...

Dude is right, you will actually need less sleep and try not to exercise a couple hours before bedtime either. You can get yourself too wound up to sleep. I suggest some yoga or meditation before bedtime, something soothing like a nice soak in the tub (not too hot though). I'd also avoid television or the computer an hour before going to bed too, both are a stimulant. Is that enough familial advice for you????

aka suska said...

More familial advice...
Perhaps if you called your mother she could sing you a lullaby and soften your entry into sleep.

Seriously though, it is good to do something meditative before sleep. I like to say the Daily Office, then read a little in bed till I doze off.

However, Tony has a point too. If you are awake, then your body may not want to stay in bed. If you just get up and do something, whether it is 4 am or 8 am you will be able to gauge whether or not you are rested enough. Naps are okay on weekends and can be especially delightful when shared with someone you love.

Good on you though to improve your lifestyle habits. I look forward to spending much less time at the computer and more outdoors soon.

aka suska said...

More familial advice...
Perhaps if you called your mother she could sing you a lullaby and soften your entry into sleep.

Seriously though, it is good to do something meditative before sleep. I like to say the Daily Office, then read a little in bed till I doze off.

However, Tony has a point too. If you are awake, then your body may not want to stay in bed. If you just get up and do something, whether it is 4 am or 8 am you will be able to gauge whether or not you are rested enough. Naps are okay on weekends and can be especially delightful when shared with someone you love.

Good on you though to improve your lifestyle habits. I look forward to spending much less time at the computer and more outdoors soon.

aka suska said...

Strange...don't know why that last post doubled up...