Friday, February 15, 2008


Hey Kiddos!

I am getting pretty fed up with myself. I am lazy and out of shape. Also, I do not mean lazy as in the purely physical sense, but also in the mental, and especially creative, sense. I have ideas in my head that need to be released. I have stories that beg to be told. However, their captors are stronger than initially anticipated. i have fears that keep my ideas locked up. I have a notepad, but i do not write, because I am afraid of what will happen when I do.

Several nights ago I got up out of bed, without waking Mal up, and proceeded to read my poems, my old poems. not the really old, crappy poems that i wrote in grade 9, where I was all "oh, look at me, I'm in grade nine", but the really good ones. I used to post them on a website, but this one time, I joined a forum, and the people did not like me very much, and so they copied and insulted my poems to no end, and I was so upset, that I took down the site, and now am too afraid to post anything. I am not so afraid of people insulting them, because I know that some won't like them, but I think that some might. I am afraid of people stealing them. With the internet the way it is now, I have no way of stopping people from copying and duplicating my poetry and other writing.

Perhaps I am being ridiculous. Perhaps I should just write, and then whatever happens, happens. Maybe that will be enough.

No music, for I am at work, on lunch.

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