Sunday, February 17, 2008

From one side to the other

I just got back from Chatham! I went to Morpeth for dinner (Dad made ribs, fantastic!), and then dropped in to hang with Andy for a while. We eventually went to subway and had a great time acting crazy mainly for the benefit of the kid at Subway. I proceeded to ask him which school he went to, and he goes to the one which is not the one Little Bird goes to, so he didn't know her, go figure.
We watched Stardust again, as well. I love that movie. So much! But it upsets me, because I so dwell in fantasy that worlds so finely crafted and appealing make my heart nearly burst with longing for that kind of thing. It upsets me that my life is so dreary in comparison. But then, I felt the same way after seeing Cloverfield, so maybe that's just my issue.
Hey guess what I realized for the millionth time? I need to start writing! Writing constantly! I hate this not writing bull crap that they's all be tryin' ta pull at. I don't understand it either kids, but it's two thirty-eight, so cut me a little slack.

Make it stick.

No music, Wife is sleeping.


Coach Keese said...

Hey man, thanks for the add and for stopping by. Anything I can do to help you out, I am more than happy to do. Just ask. Cool site by the way. I had no idea you were blogging. I am trying to make mine more interesting. Maybe you could help me there. What do you struggle with?

Coach Keese said...

along the lines of your mish mash.... have you ever read tolkien? he is far from original. its all viking mythology with twists. reinvention is the same thing with a twis. look at the new diamond shaped shreddies. hahaha.

photoholly said...

Hey! My other brother is here in blogger land and didn't tell me! WTF!!! I thought I was the only one of us who lived in a fantasy land. Odd fact about me: I thought that Star Wars really did exist and I used to fantasize that I lived there and was related to Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia, I cried for weeks when I realized I would never, ever be able to live my fantasy. I'm such a dork. Oh yeah, it's about time you started blogging again. I tagged you too BTW. Hugs.

aka suska said...

What is this?! My entire family secretly blogging with nary a word to me! Woe it is to have such kin. Sadly, I slink off to sulk...