Thursday, February 21, 2008

Readership EXPLOSION

Seriosuly, I must have at least THREE readers now! C'est incroyable! I really am going to have to think about self hosting soon, I don't know if Blogger's servers can handle my massive throughput. I guess I'll just have to scrape $30,000 together for a data centre...

But seriously, Holly forwarded me a poetry competition, and I think I'm going to enter a few poems. I can enter three, so I think I'll do the one I posted below, a moderately old one, and a really old one. I'll post them here when I pick them out.

I have now officially completed the Spiderwick Chronicles again, and I am astonished by how much I didn't remember, and how incredibly different the movie really was. Truly staggering. I am still impressed by the movie though, even though there were massive changes, I felt that they stayed true to the spirit and the feel of the books, and the characters felt similar as well. It wasn't like the Northern Lights Golden Compass, which was a fundamentally different story with fundamentally different characters, which just cheapened the whole tale, but then, Spiderwick isn't quite as epic, either.

I've recently discovered that there are continuations of The Spiderwick Chronicles, title aptly Beyond the Spiderwick Chronicles. I guess only one book is out so far, so I'll have to snag it somewhere and read it.

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