Sunday, May 6, 2007

Harumph, harumph

Well, I've missed a day now. Officially it will look like two, but, I assure you, due to an error in time, it is only one. Today was a very standard day, I went to the crazy landscape place (aircraft hangar) and performed some security updates, as well as a program install. Mostly I was just there making sure Cloudy didn't commit suicide/homicide. After that it was off to Holly's to watch the dogs. I fell asleep, woke up, then studied. It was a miracle that I didn't fall asleep studying. I managed to make it through a chapter and a half in about 2 hours. Whoever wrote the MOAC book for 70-298 needs to be dragged into the street and beaten with a large tube, then shot. Seriously, you may be writing about security design, but it doesn't have to be murderously boring. Also, repetitive.
My new mystery snail, Sir Bahnahtusn Snailington, is getting along well. He hides in the substrate all day, then romps about the walls at night. The algae appears to be thinning, only time will tell.

Not much else to say. Maybe I'll play SimCity4 and go to bed.

Nighty night.

P.S. They're there, we agree they're there. They're there, alive and well.

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